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constraint propagation中文是什么意思

用"constraint propagation"造句"constraint propagation"怎么读"constraint propagation" in a sentence


  • 限制条件的传递 [限定因素增殖
  • 限制增殖
  • 约束传播


  • A comparison of two constraint propagation algorithms and an improved algorithm for disjunctive scheduling problem
  • With the conceptual design of plane four - rod organization , the method of causal relationship setting - up and the process of constraint propagation have been exposited and algorithms related with them are constructed
  • Topics covered include : applications of rule chaining , heuristic search , logic , constraint propagation , constrained search , and other problem - solving paradigms , as well as applications of decision trees , neural nets , svms and other learning paradigms
    涉及的主题包括:链式规则的应用、启发式搜索、逻辑、约束传播、约束搜索和其它问题解决范例,另外还有决策树的应用、神经网络、向量机( svm )以及其它学习范例。
  • Topics covered include : applications of rule chaining , heuristic search , logic , constraint propagation , constrained search , and other problem - solving paradigms , as well as applications of decision trees , neural nets , svms and other learning paradigms
    涉及的主题包括:规则链的应用、启发式搜索、逻辑、限制传递、条件限制的搜寻和其他问题解决范例,另外还有决策树的应用、神经网路、支援向量机( svm )以及其他学习范例。
  • Based on researching deeply several reasoning methods available , a qualitative model for mechanism is provided according to the conceptual of confluence introduced by de . kleer and the constraint propagation to be carried out on it . this paper presents a qualitative reasoning frame supporting computer aided conceptual design for mechanism
  • To explain how to use the heuristics information of the problem to construct constraint - based solving algorithm , the general constraint satisfaction solving technology was briefly introduced , then the principles and the applicability of constraint propagation algorithm , tree search algorithm and heuristics repair algorithm for job shop scheduling were summarized
用"constraint propagation"造句  


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